2021年5月16日 星期日

What makes a good life

 The ted talk link:



1、millennial:relating to a millennium or to the year 2000

ex:There will be no earthly millennial reign of christ

2、Hindsight:the ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened

ex:In hindsight, it would have been better to wait.

3、Tenement:large building divided into apartments, usually in a poor area of a city

ex:For every other copyhold tenement a fine at the lords will is due on admission.

4、schizophrenia:serious mental illness in which someone cannot understand what is real and what is imaginary

ex:He was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

5、glamorous:attractive in an exciting and special way

ex:She was looking very glamorous.

6、 grudgestrong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badlyespecially one that lasts for a long time

ex:I don't bear any grudge against you.

7、alcoholism:the condition of being an alcoholic

ex:Alcoholism cost me my job, my health, and finally my family.

2021年5月8日 星期六


    First I'm not a procrastinators I think, because  I have a good habit, I like to put the things what I need to do and writing then into my line memo, especially  the work from school, not homework, if I don't do that first I have guilt to my classmate, but if there has good anime recently, I will look it first.

    I procrastinate on everything if Im looking at anime or YT or IG, or I played tennis at night(tennis team always play at night),I will get procrastinating on everything, because Im very tired just want to sleep.

    I have strategies to combat procrastination, first if there's something must to do emergency, i will do it first in the morning after wake up, if I can't finish that fucking homework first ,I can't do anything later, just like I rule it myself, or if this homework is going to fight prolong war, its going to have long time to finish, i will reward myself like if I do it 30 minutes, then I can see anime 3 hours, that my strategies.

Ted talk link:


2021年3月21日 星期日


 1. Link to the podcast :


2. Keywords mentioned on the handout :

(1) Pandemic 

the risk of pandemic influenza is serious.

(2) Wimpy 

I am far too wimpy to go rock climbing.

(3) Take hold

the economy recovery is just beginning to take hold now.

(4) Kick in

It hasn't kick in yet .

(5) Sheer

the mountain rises sheer from the plain.

(6) Genome

The Human Genome Project has several objectives.

2021年3月10日 星期三

insomnio 最近の日常?I hope not



2021年3月7日 星期日


 English News NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN, a podcast about Japan news and sometimes you can hear world news too, if you want to know about what is happening in Japan, you can try this one, this channel is updated everyday, support this podcast   (   https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/. )

What makes a good life

  The ted talk link: https://www.ted.com/talks/robert_waldinger_what_makes_a_good_life_lessons_from_the_longest_study_on_happiness Vocabular...